Sunday, July 30, 2017

Painting is the Secret Cure - 3

I forgot when was the last time I painted, it's been that long! I've been really busy and stressed but funny that whenever I was stressed in life I'd go back to painting. It helps me heal.

I wanted to paint for last few weekends but didn't manage to do so. This weekend the weather is nice after long time and it's bright and beautiful outside. I was thinking how to bring the light and shadow effect in water color, so even though I'm supposed to study all day today, I couldn't help playing with my colors and brushes for some time.

I wanted to paint something I had in my mind but I had to get the human figure right (which is not my best skill in drawing). Usually I don't draw with pencil but just use brushes, but as I was drawing my human figure I realized that I don't have eraser (-_-) (I forgot to get one after I lost my backpack but that's been months!!). Long story short, I changed my scenario to something else and it turned out like this -

A Sunny Sunday

I know it's not perfect but it kind of depicts how my balcony looks. I often like to sit there and work, but sometimes I just read books and watch the green trees happily soaked in sunlight. As I mentioned earlier, I wanted to see if I can use the light and shadow technique right. For now I'm happy with it but I need to learn it better and try other scenarios, of course some other day. Need to get back to studies, already late.

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